Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day Postscript

So... 3rd toe on my left foot is slightly numb... not a big deal but it does mean I'm out of shoe shape.  This happens occasionally when the shoes are too tall or you wear them too far.  Once, after my step-sister's wedding one of my toe's was numb for THREE MONTHS.  Those were stupid shoes, they were cheap & thin and spindly and I did not even like them.

Anyway, Brian (my husband) said maybe that's a sign to wear flats on Wednesday.  Oddly, whenever I come to him and say "which shoes do you like with this outfit" he ALWAYS picks the highest heels... men, yeesh. ;-)

First Day

Everyone on FB is posting up their kids first day of school picture so I'm posting mine up too!  Accept that it's me and not my kid... cause my dogs don't have to go to school... anyway... here is my first day outfit, please note the bracelet!
Ok the bracelet is hard to see but it is the Ben Amun coin bracelet I was talking about and upon further inspection I think some of the coins are real and some of them aren't.

Also the shoes, Nine West strappy numbers.  Was going to wear some really cute Carlos Santana gold shoes but they really hurt and it was the first day so I need to break my feet in slowly.  I've had these a couple of years they are are variety of browns with a wooden heel.  They are kinda like these:

Nine West are sometimes my go to comfy shoes, I have about 10 different pair of Nine West.  I don't know why they are comfy to me but they are.  I've had some of them so long I can't even find pictures of them any more... but here are a couple I did find:

I have these in black.

These in black.

These in red.

These in cream.

And several paris of strappy ones that I can't find anymore.  What can I say we knew I was an addict, btw I was looking for these pictures and found these which I totally want now too! ;-)

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I dislike bergamot, whatever the hell it is.  I tried to like this new Bliss vanilla and bergamot stuff and it isn't happening.  I'm pretty sure it gives me a headache.  Ok, honestly, the same week I started using it I hit myself in the head with a tennis racquet but I don't think that had any effect... I'm pretty sure.  AND I'm totally healed from the head wound (I had to wear purple eye shadow on the right eye to make it look like the already purple left eye).
Back to the lotion... every time I put on the lotion I'd have a headache within the hour, I'm delicate and sensitive and bergamot must go!
For Sale: 1 tube of Bliss vanilla + bergamot lotion, slightly used, cheap, going fast!

Here is a picture from a couple years ago when I hit myself in the mouth with a racquet.. I don't recommend doing that either.

Friday, August 20, 2010


So a couple of weeks ago I ordered a Ben Amun by Issac Manevitz coin bracelet from ideeli (more on them in a minute) and it just arrived today.

Yesterday, I was flipping through the August InStyle Magazine and guess what I saw on page 120.  One of their "instant style" pieces features the exact bracelet I just got in the mail!  When I was looking at the mag I recognized it but didn't know if it was really the same or not but yes, it is!

Now, I would never wear it with the outfit they put together--much too conservative for me... and cargo pants, seriously, not unless I move to the Hampton's or Africa!

Here is a tiny picture of the bracelet I found on-line but the one I got is all gold coins.  Honestly, they aren't really coins (I don't think) but stamped reproductions but hey, they are still cool.  Mine are lira, francs, and a Canadian dollar.

Now about ideeli, if you've never heard of,,,, etc you are missing out.  They are all discount, on-line only, boutiques.  Again, my friend Shannon sent me an invite to ideeli and I shop there a lot.  Some of them are better than others both in price and in choice but you never know what is going to pop up.  They are member only organizations but the first level just requires you to sign up, higher levels (meaning you get to shop before everyone else) cost money.  Although I've been promoted on ideeli a couple of times (for free) because I'm such a good customer. ;-)

I know some people are leery of buying on-line but I haven't had any problems.  One time I got a dress that was too small and I returned it.  Another time I got a pair of earrings that were broken and I returned them.  There are a couple of draw-backs.  A lot of the time they are final sales, meaning if you order the wrong size too bad they won't take it back.  Also, when there are big brands (i.e. Prada, Dolce, etc) they obviously go quick and if you are the free level of member everything might be gone by the time you can log in.  Sometimes, they take forever to arrive, a couple places ship THREE WEEKS after the final sale so it could be a month before you get what your ordered. Lastly, sometimes the prices aren't that great so you have to know what you are looking at or not care if you could save $10 somewhere else.

Handbags & jewelry are the easiest to buy from these places because you don't have to worry about fit.  Shoes usually run true or they mention that they run a half size smaller or whatever.  The problem with shoes is that you don't get to try them on to see if you can REALLY stand in them much less walk in them or to see if they are painful in anyway.  I've only ordered one pair that I almost (almost!) can't wear.  They are definitely sitting down looking pretty shoes, not activity shoes!  Ironically, they were a pair of LAMB's and usually I love Gwen Stefani's shoes and they are amazingly easy to wear but not these puppies they are uber tall and uber hard to walk in.  I can't find a picture anywhere but I'll snap a photo sometime and post it up.  These are kinda similar but they look much easier to walk in!

One last word on these on-line boutiques, do NOT sign up for them without letting me know first!  I get a credit for asking you to join. ;-)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Shoe Revisit

So, the strappy denim heels that I bought for back to school... just found something to wear them with!  Brian & I went out for our anniversary (yes it really has been 14 years) and I wore them with a new Hale Bob dress I bought on-line.  (Which reminds me to mention on-line shopping in the future.)

So here are the shoes incase you forgot:
They look black here but they are really dark blue straps and a dark blue texture on the platform.
Here is the whole outfit:

Again they look dark in the photo but in real life they complimented the blue in the dress.  AND they were super easy to wear.  Looking at them you see the thin heel and think, hmm spindly, but really the platform makes them easy to walk in.  Platforms help give you stability and balance while also giving you height... that's why they always come back into fashion (or rarely go out) is because women like to wear them over spindly, pointed, thin shoes.  Look at a pair of Louboutin's they are way solid and therefore way easy to walk in.
Bonus about these shoes, btw, the ankle strap hits perfectly where my sock-line tan is from tennis. ;-)  Anyone that knows me knows I have perpetual tan lines around my ankles from tennis!

Monday, August 16, 2010


I'm sitting here watching The Devil Wear's Prada.... it's probably wrong that I love this movie.  Ok, actually I loved this book and the movie is also pretty good.  I like the little tongue in cheek things that get through.  Stuff about the fact that fashion actually does change things even if you don't believe it.  It is a multi-billion dollar industry and the runway actually influences what Target & Kohl's buys even if you don't see the correlation.

I never used to care what I wore, jeans (if I could find them to fit my butt), t-shirts, a sweater, whatever.  I always liked clothes but didn't feel like they were made for me.  Then, when I started to make a little money I discovered shoes and handbags fit you no matter what size you are.  I always loved shoes but I by college I REALLY loved shoes. ;-)  I worked at a Bakers Shoes in college and never made a dime, my whole pay check went to shoes.  They weren't even that great of shoes and they usually hurt your feet but I loved them.

Then I morphed into more expensive shoes, OMG I'm totally addicted, I pick out my shoes for the day and find an outfit to match.  I like to wear dresses--it's actually easier than finding jeans and a t-shirt--and then I pick out jewelry to match the shoes (I mean dress!)

Fashion is what you make it, I buy things from Prada to Target and everything in-between.  I'd say I have an eccentric style, I like to combine a lot of things, old, new, cheap, and expensive.  "Dressing up" is just as easy as not, just choose a different set of clothes and you are doing the same thing.

Have to go finish watching the movie now... she's about to make the speech about Andy's lumpy cerulean sweater--love that part!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

No more ouch!

During the school semesters I wear heels everyday.  When I'm not teaching I wear flip-flops or go barefoot.  So, it takes a little while to get back into heel wearing, even for me.  As most of us know, new shoes can hurt.  They need to be broken in and sometimes they always hurt or rub in one certain place--won't stop us from wearing them (at least not me) but it does slow us down.

I've discovered two things that help with wearing heels--either starting or getting back into them.  First are these things called foot petals.  They are amazing!  I found them in the back of a magazine years ago but now they have taken off and you can get them anywhere (or some version of them.)  They have them for various places on your shoes but the ones I swear by go in the bottom of your shoe where the ball of your foot rests.

I have never tried the long skinny ones only the original ones that are flower shaped (hence the name.)  These little guys fit almost all types of shoes and come in every color so you don't even notice they are there.  I've even cut a slit in them and used them with thong-type heels.

I wore a pink dress (oh it's picture in the photos) for New Year's Eve and a pair of silver BCBG heels. I put a pair of silver foot petals in my shoes and I literally danced all night because the balls of my feet weren't dying with these little cushions.
One of the main reasons heels are hard to wear is the pressure that is put on the ball of your foot and/or on your toes.  These really do help with this.  When you see the celebs wearing mile high shoes everywhere and practically running in them it's because they are buying expensive shoes that are well balanced.  (Cheaper shoes that most of us can afford are not so well balanced, hence the pain.)  Next time you are some where hoity, try on some Jimmy Choo, Prada, D&G or Christian Louboutin and you will be amazed at how comfy they really are.  There is a reason (sometimes) why they cost so much.  But, no matter what Carrie says on Sex in the City, I have yet to find a pair of Manolo's you can actually walk in.  Mine are so high and spindly I practically need a cane!  (Some time I'll do a whole deal on designer shoes and why I save my dollars to buy them. And I'll tell you the story of Brian having to escort me to the bathroom because my shoes were so tall I kept stumbling!)

Another winner and feet saver is Baid-Aid blister preventer stuff.  This was made for running or sports or something but it works fantastically!  I got it for some tennis shoes once and have been using it for heels ever since.  You know how those super cute shoes rub a blister on your heel, or they feel like they are amputating your pinky toe.  Just slather this stuff all over and problem solved!  There are other brands but I like the Band-Aid stuff best.  It seems to last longer than the others and not be too sticky.

Along these lines are also the Band-Aid blister bandages for when you already got the blister.  My friend Shannon showed these to me and they work great too.  They are clear so they don't seem so obvious with strappy shoes and they stay on  pretty good.  There are also roundy ones that are for fingers or toes but I use them for the sides of my foot.

Target has a pretty good brand of these as well. But whatever brand you go with do not try to reapply them once they come off, it won't work.  They will stick to your shoe, the floor and everything else but not your foot!

I met some girlfriends for lunch the other day and decided to put on some heels to get my feet (& calves) back in shape for walking across campus.  I had the foot petals in (most of my shoes have them) but I neglected the pre-blister rub and now I have to use the post-blister band aid for a couple days... you'd think I'd learn!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Can someone please explain to me why the things I love keep getting discontinued?  I'm an anthropologist, I'm ok with change but come on!  This week alone 3 things I love disappeared....

The Bra at Victoria's Secret:
Me: Hello, it is time to replace my favorite bra. I would like to procure it in both black & nude please.
Salesgirl: Sure! Which one would you like to purchase?
Me: The full coverage uplift, if you will.
Salesgirl: (crestfallen face) Oh, I'm so sorry that has been discontinued.  Perhaps you would like to try our new (more expensive) Incredible Bra.  (that's the name you see, Incredible!)
Me:  WHAT??? NO!!! Come on this is my everyday fall back bra! Ohh that new one does look nice, how much is is again? BUT I'm very displeased about MY bra!

BTW it does NOT make my abs look like that, I think this is false advertising!

The lotion at Bath & Body Works:
Let's start out by saying that I'm a bit sensitive in the smell department.  I don't like strong odors or anything too floral, they give me a headache.  When I first started going to B&BW I used Sun-Ripened Raspberry.  It was a natural, clean smell that wasn't too floral or overpowering.  Well, of course, they discontinued that a couple years ago.

I then discovered Warm Vanilla Sugar--perfect!  It was light, clean and who doesn't want to smell like cookies!

Last week I went in to purchase my normal trifecta, lotion, shower gel, & body splash.  Much to my chagrin there was a little sticker on the bottle that says "NEW & IMPROVED".  It didn't need to be improved!  I give it a quick sniff--seemed ok--and took it home.  After my shower I slathered on the lotion only to fine that it was TOTALLY different.  (I know your thinking vanilla is vanilla, well it isn't I tell you!) I read the label and discovered that vanilla was no longer one of the ingredients!  It has been replaced with, wait for it, perfume!  That is not the same at all--chemicals do not equal real vanilla smell.

Anyway, I had to spend 3 days smelling tons of different stuff and finally found vanilla & bergamot by Bliss.  I have no idea what a bergamot is but it is listed in the ingredients along with actual vanilla.  It's not bad, very natural and all and I guess bergamot will grow on me... what ever it is.

Finally, shoes:
I play tennis almost everyday so I to through a lot of tennis shoes.  The soles get slick, the toes split, they get icky, dirty, etc.  I have kind of narrow feet so finding tennis shoes that fit right (without rubbing or being too loose--which both cause blisters FYI) is hard.

A few years ago I was at a tournament and tried on a pair of Fila shoes called the Alfa.  They were in a snappy white & cayenne color and I was hooked. When they wore out the color had been updated to white & blue.  Then the Alpha II came out in white & white, you get the picture.  They were there but the colors changed.  Fine as long as they keep making them.  Well they quit.  I ordered a pair last week and was informed that they have been out of production for several months and most retailers have sold out of them.  I've scoured the interwebs trying to find every last pair in a size 8 (if you find any lmk) but I think I've come to the end of the run.

I've tried a couple of alternatives that are ok but nothing has been perfect yet.  I'm still hopeful but it's not looking good.  These Prince are ok but make my feet look like I'm wearing clown shoes.  My feet are just too narrow I think.

I also tried these Nike's and they are pretty good but I rub my toe a lot and it doesn't have that extra support (I could learn to not rub my toe but that isn't likely either!)

I might try these, I just heard a good recommendation about them.

I really don't understand what it is about me that I use things no one else likes.  I mean obviously things get discontinued because lack of people buying them.  I either need to start a list of things I love and convince people to get out there and purchase or I need to never tell anyone what I like incase maybe it is me and not the products. ;-)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Back to School

I'm just going to jump right in here, I'll go back and 'splain about why I'm doing the blog and all that later.

My husband was out of town for the weekend and of course I went shopping.  I managed to buy 5 pairs of shoes but they were all totally & completely NEEDED!

You see school starts in two weeks so everyone needs new shoes for school.  Ok, technically I'm a college professor not a student, but I still have feet and therefore need new shoes.  I can't be expected to show up the first day (or week) wearing the same shoes I wore last semester! ;-)

Anyway, I actually was very conservative with my shopping as far as money goes and hit the sale rack (mostly) at DSW and Aldo.  I was also conservative (for me) heel-wise since I have to walk in these puppies all over campus.  (Please tell me whose idea is it that I have 10 min between classes and 4 miles between buildings! Ok, it's not even close to that but the higher my heels the longer the distance I'm pretty sure.)

I bought 4 pair at DSW.   A black strappy Nine West (sometime I'll do a whole deal on Nine West and why I buy them), brown & black Bandolino's, blue denim-like Mix No6, & brown & gold Carlos Santana's.

I also bought a pair of Aldo's (at Aldo) but I found them on line here:  I however got the black denim.  They are pretty high but super cute.

I know you are thinking TWO pair of denim shoes. But the Mix No6 are TOTALLY different and not really for school.  Ok, I might wear them to school but they are more for nighttime.   See the ankle strap is a bit much, even for me, to look like a college professor.  They zip up the back if you can't tell.

Back to the both denim concept.  Denim is really in right now & I'm just not into vests and denim jackets anymore.  I do have a couple of blue denim skirts that I might wear with one of them but that is about as denim as I go.  However, I do like mixing textures so I'll probably wear the Aldo's with a skirt or dress that isn't denim.  Once I figure out the outfit I'll post it up.

Alright have to go rearrange the shoe closet now to make these fit!